The following application programs, demos, and features are included in the Extras folder.
• HyperCard Player: An application program you can use to balance your checkbook, play games, organize addresses, and accomplish many other tasks. Read What is HyperCard? in the HyperCard Player 2.2 folder for more information.
• Text-to-Speech: A feature that allows your Macintosh to speak to you. See About Text-to-Speech in the Text-to-Speech folder for information on trying the text-to-speech feature.
• QuickTime Extras folder: A demonstration of QuickTime showing how you can add video, animation, sound, and other special effects to your documents. See the QuickTime Read Me file for more information.
• Eric’s Solitaire Sample: A game package that includes Klondike and Eight-Off (by Delta Tao Software, Inc.). Important: In order to run this application, you must start your computer from the hard drive rather than the CD.
What’s in the PowerTalk Extras folder?
• Personal gateways: Software you can use to take advantage of PowerTalk’s universal mailbox for sending and receiving messages from a variety of sources, including on-line services, faxes, and pagers.
• PowerTalk Direct Dial-up Mail: Software you can use to exchange mail with PowerTalk users everywhere, on any network. If you have a modem and a telephone line, you can connect to other PowerTalk users.
• PowerTalk Tour: An overview of PowerTalk’s features.
What’s in the QuickDraw GX Extras folder?
• QuickDraw GX Print Extensions: System extensions that lets you print watermarks in the background of each page and print 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, or 16 pages on each printed page (by Peirce Software, Inc.).
Where do I get service and support?
If you have questions about third-party application programs in the Extras folders, you should contact the software vendor directly. The telephone number or address for each vendor is located with the software program.
Some of the software products contained in this folder are products of parties other than Apple Computer, Inc. Apple’s inclusion of these software products constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation of the products by Apple. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of the software. All understandings, agreements, or warranties take place directly between the product vendors and you.
Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these products.